zaterdag, september 22, 2007


Trying to find out the meaning of my life. Being in such chaos....all those people around me, all doing there ovvn thing. All trying to find their vvay home.. But vvhat if the home you are looking for is not outside yourself. People think to find their home in somebody else. Clinging to the other, not being able to let go. Trying to find their life in the lives of other people. Isn't it absurd...?

And vvhat do I do, finding myself clinging to other people, not vvanting to let go. Knovving it has no use. It really doesn't matter vvhat you do, vve all die one day. And then vvho do you cling to? And vvhat about the people vvho clung to you. VVhat do they do, do they find out that it is useless clinging to one-another, because in the end vve all end up alone.

It scares a lot of people just to think about this, being alone...vvhat the hell am I gonna do.?
Ever thought about that? Guess so, but for hovv long until you turned yourself around to all the other people. Knovving that you could not stand to be alone. For some time, sure, but for the rest of your life. Nobody to talk to, nobody to smile at, to get angry at. All those thing vve take for granted. VVhat if I lose my house, my car, my things. People vvorry about this. But vvhat if you vvould lose all the people in the vvorld, vvhat vvould you do.? VVould you be strong enough to go on living...? Just you and all the things man has left behind. VVould it make sense.? Or vvould you just kill yourself.?

Don't forget that in Love the feeling of your nature, you could find all vvho died.

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